YOLO Yellow - Why yellow makes us happy

YOLO Yellow - Why yellow makes us happy

Have you ever caught yourself smiling when you see something yellow? You are not alone. The color yellow is associated with positive feelings of optimism, laughter, happiness, and energy. Yellow is also found to make you feel more spontaneous and can change your perspective on things. 

So why is yellow considered to be the happiest color and a psychological superpower? One of the big reasons researchers have found is the connection to the sun. The sun is considered the ultimate source of life and sunlight helps to lift our spirits and improves our outlook on life in general. When we see yellow our brain immediately associates it with these positive effects of sunlight and automatically stimulates the nervous system. Another reason for yellow having mood lifting effects is the ability of yellow to stand out from the rest of the environment, which stimulates to associate the color yellow with positive memories.

That’s why we love our YOLO Yellow Superfrau T-Shirt so much- it just exudes happiness and makes you feel ready to conquer the world. Because you only live once. Get used to a lot of compliments because this color makes you look radiant. In case the sky or your mood is grey, you know you can turn to your YOLO yellow Superfrau T-Shirt to cheer you up and feel like the sun is coming out after a storm. You might as well pair it with a banana skirt and cuddle a pineapple for some extra positive effects.

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